Real Time Internet Pain Leads are developed online using banner, display and email lead generation strategies. A consumer interested in pain relief clicks on an offer, fills out a form with their information, and hits the submit button. When they do this, real time internet pain leads are delivered to companies that offer pain relief solutions. They may be distributed and placed into your lead tracking system or CRM with a simple posting thread and they may be sent in HTML format to a designated Email.
With the real time pain internet leads there are two options:
Real Time Pain Exclusive Internet Leads
For those groups offering pain solutions that have a preference for a lead that has less competition, real time pain exclusive internet leads are the ticket. They are delivered when the consumer reviews and clicks and offer online and then fills a request for contact form out with their personal information and presses submit. They will show up in a lead tracking system, CRM or designated email with no delay. Real Time Exclusive Internet Leads are hot and produce high conversion rates. They will keep your sales staff and consultants busy talking to people that have interest and a need for pain solutions.
Real Time Pain Semi-Exclusive Internet Leads
When your sales organization is looking to stretch its marketing budget and require more leads for their money, they would be wise to inquire about real time pain semi-exclusive internet leads. The semi-exclusive real time internet lead for the pain industry is shared with up to three additional partners. The cost to produce the lead is shared which allows pain lead buyers to get more leads for their money while still enjoying the high level of consumer interest found in a real time inquiry. Some of you thrive on competition and have sales staffs that will work tirelessly to talk to as many potential customers as they can, close as many deals as they can and helping as many people as they can with real time semi exclusive pain internet leads with a burning desire to win. For this type of sales hunter organization, the semi exclusive pain internet lead is the perfect fit.